Law & Order: SVU | Headlines
On-Air Promotions: Concept Development, Design & Animation
At its core, the Law & Order: SVU franchise has always been rooted in "real life" newspaper headlines.
Tackling relevant stories based in reality, SVU engages current events with discernment and gravitas.
As the show pushes these relevant and serious issues, the branded promotional spots work in tandem to convey the maelstrom of press and notoriety attributed to these cases.
Visually represented through a sea of headlines, Olivia takes aim to bring order amidst the chaos. Dedicated to her job, her character both defines the justice system and is defined by the justice system as the headlines and judgements condense and concentrate to form her engaging visage.
Concept Development / Designer / Animator: Grant Okita
Producer / Editor: Mark Mallory
C4D / Modeling & 3D Camera Mapping: Brian Williams
This project was produced at NBC
This project was produced at NBC
Headlines Introduction

End Tag & Peacock